This is a handprint Rudolph. I traced Hailey's hand on brown construction paper, cut it out, used black marker for the hooves, a red pom pom for nose, green pipe cleaner for antlers, googly eyes, and a jingle bell attached to a brown ribbon.
This is a paper cup angel Hailey made. I saw a similiar version of it on a different blog site. I used a paper cup, muffin cups, construction paper and a gold pipe cleaner (for Halo).
Hailey loves Asian food and loves to use her pink chopsticks from Tokyo any chance she can.
I added a little Asian flair to a simple PB & J sandwich by making it look like sushi rolls. It is really easy, just get 2 slices of white bread, cut off the crust. Then using a rolling pin flatten the bread, add a thin layer of PB & J, roll it up then cut it up into 4 parts.
Today we also went to the Holiday Light Festival in LA. We went last year and it is one of our new traditions. Hailey loves the lights and seeing her happy makes me happy. We walked about a mile surrounded by beautiful xmas lights, sipping hot chocolate and eating churros. We had fun on our ice skating adventure and at the Holiday Light Festival! Good Night ZzZ
Today, we went ice skating at LA Live! It was mine & Hailey's first time, it was a little scary at first, but fun! My poor princess had a little trouble, her little skinny chicken legs were barely holding her up, but she still had fun and wants to go back.
I am a young mommy to a 5 year old Princess: Hailey Mackenzie. My family & I love arts & crafts. We are very festive and creative. Another big thing in this house is reading. Hailey can read now so I update my "Shelfari" above with her favorite books.I hope you enjoy my blog!